10:49:00 PMToday my brother hawked a lougie in my hair and i threw up.
I'm glad that that one sentence doesn't sum up my day because it truly was a lovely day other than that. My friend Ruth came over and she taught me how to spin wool into yarn. Soon we will teach ourselves to dye our own yarn!
this is the spindle she brought over and some of the "roving" or whatever the wool is called. ha!
We've decided to make a virtuous wife calender and every month will have a Proverbs 31 verse and picture- sooo send in your domestic/virtuous/godly photos...hahahha
but here are some of the great things about living with your grandmom and being at home all day:
1. You have time to actually knead and bake your own bread. And not just one loag. Multiple loaves. And to perfect next feat will be rye:
2. Tea. Pots and pots of it. When else would you have time to sit around and drink tea all day?
3. Aprons. Who needs to get dressed in the morning when you don't leave the house? Pajamas, a hoodie and aprons...and slippers.
4. Journaling. Love it. Not writing about my life. I do that here or other places on the internet i suppose. but I love to write down things I've read: verses, quotes, sections of books, recipes, etc.
While I'm showing a picture of one of my journals maybe I'll write down some quotes I've been into as of late.
p. 37's the yarn I spun today!!!!!!!! isn't it what should I make???