Coffee with God
11:41:00 AMI stole this from my youth group's blog but the picture has been seared in my mind for weeks now because I related to it so much. I literally read it at a time when I was whining in my heart because I always had to rush out of the house after dinner and never got to sit around and drink coffee and tea with my parents and siblings and legit that's probably one of my most longed for moments of the day...but alas, those times are becoming more few and far between, but I'm thankful for when I get them nonetheless...but if you can at all relate to that you will be very blessed by this next excerpt:
“Our best times together as a family are at dinner. At home after a meal, we push our dishes aside and linger together over coffee or hot chocolate. We have no particular agenda; we simply enjoy one another. Listening, talking and laughing. If you experience the same thing with good friends or family, you know it is a little touch of heaven.